Kontakt-Formular Nr.202202698

6.11. 08:08

Kontaktný formulár
Meno a priezvisko: Yanchao Zhang
Firma: Zhengzhou Shenghe Grinding Technology Co. LTD
E-mail: info@shgrinding.com
Telefón: +8613592515868
Dear purchasing manager I hope you receive this email! I want to contact you because [explain how you got their contact information and your relationship with them: talk to colleagues on linkedin, see your company online, etc.]. Our company has a new [product or service] that will help your company [one sentence benefit]. We do this: Advantages/features 1 Good product quality Advantages/features 2 Strong cutting force Benefits/features 3 Good chemical stability Let us explore how our [your product name] can specifically help your business. Can you make a quick call [time and date]? Thanks in advance

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